Scandinavian PUG 2017: How to Show Custom Case Windows based on User Group

Vejle municipality will be speaking at the upcoming Scandinavian PUG conference about setting up different case windows for different user groups. In Vejle they had a department outside IT that wanted to run on the IT department’s case management system; in this presentation Vejle will show how they dealt with that request. All data is stored in one database, but as the case management windows filter on case types, CI’s, CI types etc. depending on user group, it is different windows that are shown depending on the user group the user belongs to.

Interested in the topic? Sign up for the conference here

Scandinavian PUG 2017: Presentation on Service Catalogs shown in SSP

New speaker in place for the Scandinavian PUG conference, as Herning municipality will be giving a presentation on the service catalog they have developed in POB; Each individual IT service is created as a CI whereby it can be directly used in case management in the POB client Service Desk.

Through a self-developed module embedded in the Self Service Portal (SSP), the service catalog is shown in the POB SSP. It consists of two parts; A searchable service catalog for users, and a portal where system owners can maintain their services.

Herning will also be hosting a round-table discussion where they will talk about how they got to where they are today, and where they are heading next, including thoughts on connecting the service catalog with knowledge management.

Interested in the topic? Sign up for the conference here

Upcoming POB Admin Training (Utah)

Wendia North America invites POB users to a  5-day POB System Administration training. The training will be held on January 30, through February 3, at Wendia North America’s offices in Orem, Utah. For more information and/or for signing up, please contact Paige Tueller.

PUG 2017 (Scandinavia)

Invitations have been sent out for the Scandinavian 2017 POB User Group Conference. The Conference will take place at Sundvolden Hotel, near Oslo, Norway, on March 14-15, 2017; Presentations in plenum and round table discussions will be about working with the Self Service Portal, including setting up a good landing page, automation and integrations into and out of POB. The two-day program includes shuttle service, accommodation, meals, surprise social activity and ample of opportunity for networking.


POB Training Program in Norway

In Norway, a range of training sessions is set up for the coming months – covering courses in Enterprise Manager (basic and advanced), Internal Reporting, and the Self Service Portal (basic and advanced). Read about the various training sessions to find out more about content, dates, price, prerequisites, how to sign up and more.

Upcoming Christmas Seminar in Norway

Wendia Norway is thrilled to invite customers to the annual Christmas Seminar that will take place on November 24th. The seminar starts out with a 4-hour session with various presentations in the afternoon, followed by an evening with dinner and entertainment.  Presentations include Statens vegvesen talking about how they achieved the status of «world-class user support» by Gartner, and “Get started with Knowledge Management” by Atle Nilssen, Wendia Norway. For more information and/or questions please contact Ivar Grong Nesset.

Scandinavian PUG 2017: Self Service – Not Only for External Customers

Effective Self Service enables customers, external as well as internal, to find what they need in one portal, as it gives them one way in to access all relevant information about open cases, relevant PO’s, HR information etc. The Scandinavian PUG 2017 Conference is all about Self Service – presentations in plenum and round table discussions will be about working with the Self Service Portal, including setting up a good landing page, automation and integrations into and out of POB. The two-day program includes shuttle service, accommodation, meals, surprise social activity and ample of opportunity for networking.

The Conference will take place at Sundvolden Hotel, near Oslo, Norway, on March 14-15, 2017. Invitations will be sent out during November.

If you are interested in learning more about the planning of the conference and what else was discussed at the recent PUG board meeting, you may find this in Danish here.


Upcoming PCM Bootcamp

Wendia North America is pleased to invite customers to attend a PCM Bootcamp that will be held in Orem, Utah, on November 15th-17th. The three-day program starts off with a hands-on training on the PCM module followed by two days dedicated to creating and designing workflows for your business. For registration and more information please contact Paige Tueller.

POB Admin Training Coming Up (Utah)

Wendia North America invites customers for a training in POB system administration. Don’t miss out on this chance to get your POB skills up to speed! The training will take place at Wendia North America’s headquarters in Orem, Utah, on October 24-28.

For registration and/or more information contact Paige Tueller.

Learning, Connecting and Sharing

Last week, the North American Customer-Partner Conference was held at the Park City Marriott hotel in Park City, Utah. The theme again this year was to have our customers Learn, Connect, and Share. Learn from the presentations and workshops, Connect with other customers and Wendia Partners, and Share with others your successes with POB.

The conference had three specialized tracks: a CIO/VP of IT Track, a Service Desk Managers Track, and a POB Admin Track, and presentations were customized for each track so that each attendee could learn what was most important for his or her role. Presentations were focused on Business Process Automation, Customer Service, how to Improve Productivity in the workplace, how to Hire and Maintain good employees, and Businesses that have Succeeded and those that have failed, and why.

See more images from the successful conference here.

Park City was the home of the 2002 Winter Olympics with a number of events taking place on the beautiful ski slopes. Park City is also the headquarters of the world famous Robert Redford Sundance Film Festival. In fact the Park City Marriott hosted the main events for the festival.