The Slightly Different Heroes

The Slightly Different Heroes: Wendia Germany at Serview’s Best Management Practice Congress

Heroes don’t necessarily wear capes or use fancy gadgets. Often they are rather unspectacular at first sight – like many IT people. But every day they support their business, they provide professional service to customers and help out with clever solutions when they are needed. They are slightly different heroes and played the main part in SERVIEW’s Best Management Practice Congress 2015. As a long term partner of German ITSM training and consulting company SERVIEW, Wendia participated in their annual expert convention with a slightly different exhibition booth featuring Batman and Wendia Beer.

Service Level Management was Theme of the Day

Yesterday, Frederiksberg municipality hosted the spring PUG theme day in Denmark. First presentation was made by Kim Skotte Larsen, Herning municipality, who showed their initial steps towards implementing SLM in their entire IT department. Second to speak was Allan Eriksen, Vordingborg municipality, who showed their way of handling contracts in POB – and emphasized the clear financial benefits of being in control of ones contracts. The meeting was a great success with a lot of networking and mutual inspiration among the participants – after lunch the participants were taken on a guided tour around the town hall that included a visit in the bell tower. Lykke Harrison, Wendia, rounded off the day by showing how SLA times can be used to differentiate and specify services on CI’s, and answering questions from the audience.

Back to the Future: German PUG Conference held in medieval Rothenburg

From 29-30 April 2015 users of Wendia’s ITSM Tool Suite POB met for the annual POB User Conference in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, a small town in the South of Germany that brings the Middle Ages and the Renaissance to life. For two days, German and Swiss Wendia customers spent their time with ITSM related expert presentations, product news and the popular technical forum headed by Wendia Product Manager Klaus Dettmer, Manager Consulting Christian Leipholz and Comparex POB Expert Stefan Reichelt.

New ideas and inspiration for daily business were complemented by many opportunities for networking and the exchange of knowledge and experience among POB users. The conference program was rounded off by activities like archery, a tour with the night watchman through medieval Rothenburg and a nightcap in a medieval tavern in one of Rothenburg’s oldest preserved dwellings.


Want to be a Service Hero?

Wendia is again participating in the upcoming Best Management Practice Kongress by SERVIEW. The BMPK15 is about Service Management, project management, leadership and other current topics and best practices. Join the more than 450 participants and 40 exhibitors in Bad Neuenahr, Germany, on 18-22 May. See the Top 5 reasons you would want to visit Wendia’s stand and perhaps even book a time for a personal POB demo.

POB G6 1.6 Available Now

Get the latest version of POB G6!

Download Version 1.6 from the Wendia ftp server now to get up and running with the latest enhancements and optimizations in POB.

Some of the great new functionality that you will get with the new version include:
• Enhanced Knowledge Management
• New lists with grouping and filter possibilties and other enhancements in the UI
• Export and Import Settings from Enterprise Manager and other areas
• Extended functionality in the configuration framework, e.g. triggers, events and PQL

Please contact your local Account Manager for further information.

Successful PUG Conference in Scandinavia

Thanks to all participants in the recent Scandinavian PUG Conference for making it a great success. The two-day conference took us through presentations and round-table discussions about integrations, self service, workflows etc. We even had the chance to work together in groups across countries and organizations when we had our ice sculpting activity, which resulted in some fine works of art.

Presentations are uploaded under Scandinavian events as they are received. See more of Arne J. W. Kolstø’s pictures taken at the conference.

PUG 2015 på Bergendal, Sverige



Program og nærmere om plenumindlæg og runda bordssamtal


PUG regnskab 2014 og budget for 2015

Regnskab 2014 – budget 2015

Plenumindlæg om Workflows af Allan Eriksen, Vordingborg Kommune

POB G6 – PUG Marts 2015 Workflow_Vordingborg Kommune

Plenumindlæg om SSP af May Liss Urang, Statsbygg

SSP Utfordringer etter utrulling_Statsbygg

Runda bordssamtal om Workflows af Tone W. Johnsen, Bærum Kommune

Workflow runda bordssamtal Bærum – PUG, mars 2015

Plenumindlæg om Integrationer af Samy Lidner, Accero

Accero Integrationer PUG2015 _2