Service Desk World 2013

Best Practices and Concepts for Sustainable Service Delivery – Or the Quest for the All-in-One-Device-Suitable-For-Every-Purpose

Cologne, 18 April 2013: Solve tickets, map ITIL Processes, support License Management and Software Delivery, scan and manage assets, make coffee, copy documents, get suit from the dry cleaner’s, archive files, handle accounting and correspondence – today’s service organizations seem to be on a quest for the All-in-One-Device-Suitable-For-Every-Purpose.

As a matter of fact, if IT wants to make sure that business departments and management appreciate the value it brings, CIOs and IT Managers have to make up their mind in time about future-oriented Service Delivery strategies.  IT Managers, Service Managers and CIOs discussed well tested and proven solutions for the realization of future business requirements at this years’ Service Desk World Congress in Cologne from 17 to 18 April 2013.

During the event Wendia’s German team has taken the opportunity to make new contacts, renew old contacts and get a detailed impression about the requirements of IT service organizations. In many conversations users and managers express their need for more one-for-all-purposes-solutions – solutions that clearly exceed the functionality of standard ITSM solutions.

POB may not be able to make coffee or handle personal archives, still the tool suite impresses with innovative features and sustainable solutions that prepare service organizations for future business requirements.  Reason enough for the German Wendia Team to introduce the latest POB release including the Self Service Portal and applications for mobile devices to the audience at the Service Desk World show.

After two days with interesting keynotes and workshops covering different topics and latest trends of the industry, the German Wendia team is looking back on a successful event with a lot of new impressions, contacts and information.

PUG 2013 in Denmark

The 2013 POB User Group Conference for Scandinavian-speaking POB users was held 19-20 March 2013 in Denmark.

With 55 participants from 23 POB-using organizations in Denmark, Norway and Sweden the conference was a huge success offering interesting presentations and workshops and plenty of networking across territorial and organizational boundaries.

Day 1 started out with a presentation by Danish insurance company, Topdanmark, followed by workshops held by IT Service Provider Atea Sweden, Norwegian governmental authority Statens vegvesen, Danish municipality of Vordingborg and Wendia partner FastPassCorp.

Before the festive dinner a couple of hours were spent outdoors with friendly competitions in ax throwing, air gun shooting and various challenges in cooperation and coordination. It was a fierce competition, but we all came out winners. See some of the happy winners above…

On day 2 the participants had their annual PUG general assembly meeting – and Wendia CTO, Atle Nilssen, closed the conference with a 2-hour presentation of the status of POB and the plans for the further development.

Presentations, list of participants, program and notes from the general assembly can be found under PUG Events\Scandinavian Conferences.

See more images from the conference at

PUG 2013 på Klarskovgaard, Korsør


Deltagerliste 2013

Program og nærmere om workshops

Program 2013

Dataload - Ett automatiserat sätt att förvalta masterdata (Atea Sverige)


Konvertering til POB G6 (Vordingborg kommune)

Konvertering til G6_Allan

Automatisering af password reset via selvbetjening (FastPassCorp)

FastPass præsentation_Finn

POB nu og fremover (Wendia)

POB nu og fremover_Atle

Generelle nyheder fra Wendia

Nyt fra Wendia_Kerstin

WebEUskjema i Statens vegvesen - på riktig vei

WebEUskjema i Statens vegvesen_Grete

Automatisering og Selvbetjening (Topdanmark)

Automatisering og selvbetjening_Lise


Upcoming Theme Day for Danish-speaking POB Users

On 22 May 2013 the municipality of Vordingborg will be hosting the next theme day for Danish-speaking POB users.


The theme of the day has yet to be decided – and the PUG board is open to suggestions. Please mail any suggestions and ideas to Maja Seilund at


Invitations will be sent out during April.

Wendia at the itSMF Congress 2012

Wendia Beer is Breaking the Ice: Wendia Germany at the itSMF Annual Congress

Who is Wendia? Since Monday, 04 December 2012, participants at the annual itSMF Forum in Kassel, have a very simple answer to this question: “They are the lucky ones that have a great tool – and their own excellent beer!” With more than 400 visitors, the itSMF congress is one of the leading professional events in the IT Service Management industry.

This year, Wendia exclusively sponsored the official Get-Together-Party with beer from the small Vendia Brewery in Denmark. Beer has always been known as one of the most popular drinks in Germany. The country has more than 1.300 breweries and according to the statistics beer consumption reaches a number of about 100 liters of beer per person and per year. So a tough audience met at Wendia’s Beer Bar at the Congress Palais.

At the end, Wendia Beer bottles could be seen all over the whole exhibition space. Many congress participants got together at the Wendia stand across the bar to get to know more about Wendia, the exceptional supplier that not only has a great solution to offer, but also excellent beer.

Wendia Beer Bar

Time for a Beer? Wendia Beer Bar at the annual itSMF Congress in Germany

Visit Wendia at the annual itSMF Congress at the Kongress Palais in Kassel, Germany, on 3-4 December 2012 and convince yourself: Wendia does not only have an extraordinary tool suite, but also excellent beer!

The itSMF Congress is one of the Top Events of the IT industry. Every year, the German itSMF association offers a high-quality program including many recognized speakers and a lot of opportunities to exchange knowledge and talk to experts, colleagues and consultants about the latest trends in the industry.

With a number of very basic oriented workshops, newcomers have an exclusive chance to a close look into the topics ITSM and ITIL Best Practices.

Please visit for further information.

Change Management Manual

Best Practice Taken from Practice: Change Management Instruction Manual Available

How to successfully change a running system? Eva-Maria Zeckey, recognized IT Service Management consultant gave a lot of useful advice and answers at this year’s annual POB User Group Conference for the German-speaking user community. With many years of practical experience as an IT and Service Desk Manager in one of Germany’s largest insurance companies with more than 16,000 end-users, Eva-Maria Zeckey has a lot to tell about the practical realization of Best Practices.

Her instruction manual about Change Management, a valuable practical guide about the basic foundation and the sustainable introduction of Change Management Processes, is now available for the POB User Group Community.

If you would like to get your copy, please send a mail to Miriam Gögelein,


PUG Theme Day on Automation 5 November 2012

The recent theme day for Danish POB users was hosted by Topdanmark in Ballerup. There was a nice turn-out with 23 participants from 11 organizations. A lot of questions were asked and answered – and contacts were made.

The first presentation was given by host Lise Hostrup, Topdanmark, who showed examples from their POB, including how they integrate orders from their Intranet into POB Web Forms for further handling in POB. After a great lunch Allan Eriksen, Municipality of Vordingborg, took over and explained how he envisioned self service and automation in the municipality. Finally, Wendia’s Jesper Solholm presented the new Self Service Portal and the Web Shop in POB G6, in the soon-ready version 1.2.

The PUG board thanks the speakers and the host.

A new theme day is being planned in the spring.

PUG Conference in Germany 23-24 October 2012


“For the Business, the IT Service Desk Will Have an Even Higher Priority in the Future”:

POB User Group Conference D-A-CH, 23 – 24 October 2012

As the communicative interface between Business and IT, the value of the IT Service Desk will be rated even higher in the future, Hans-Peter Fröschle explains at this year’s annual POB User Group Conference in Oberstdorf, Germany. Together with experts of the industry Hans-Peter Fröschle, CEO of the itSMF organization in the DACH Region, made a strong statement about the value of the IT Service Organization for today’s and tomorrow’s business. With practically oriented workshops and break-out sessions on topics like Change Management, Service Catalogue and Business Continuity Management, the participants of the annual PUG Conference spent two days of intensive networking and knowledge exchange in Oberstdorf in the Southwestern part of Germany. Leisure activities included dinner at a local mountain hut and a walk through the wild and romantic Breitachklamm.

Documentation and presentations can be found on the EVENTS page.

PUG 2013 for Scandinavian-speaking POB Users

Scandinavian-speaking POB users can now mark their calendar for the 2013 POB User Group Conference that will take place at Comwell Klarskovgaard, in Korsør, Denmark, on 19-20 March 2013.

The theme for the conference will be “POB and Data Quality” – and POB users will share from their experience with POB and how their organizations secure a high quality of data in their service management work. Day 1 will be rounded off with some outdoor activities and a dinner. On day 2 the PUG general assembly will be held, and POB users can benefit from hearing the latest news from the further development of POB.

Invitations will be sent out during December.

For more information contact Maja Seilund at