Welcome to New Scandinavian PUG Board

The old PUG board (from the left: Øyvind Sand, Göran Wihlgaard and Morten Skaarud)

At the recent Scandinavian PUG Conference we had to say goodbye to two members of the PUG board; after five year as chairman Göran Wihlgaard withdrew from the board because of retirement, and after two years as treasurer Morten Skaarud had to withdraw due to restructuring in his organization. Thank you to both of you for your devoted work for the POB User Group!

We are happy to welcome two new members to the board: Jenny Clarén, Atea Sweden, and Kim Skotte Larsen, Herning municipality. The new board, including re-elected Øyvind Sand, who has been a valued member of the board for more than 15 years, will constitute itself at the first coming meeting.

Welcome and good luck to the new board!

PUG 2019 på Bella Sky, Danmark

Noter fra Generalforsamling

Noter fra Generalforsamling



Program og nærmere om plenumindlæg og rundbordssamtaler


Præsentation af Roberth Edberg, ATG

CMDB, API’s and License Compliance

Præsentation af Atle Nilssen, Wendia


Præsentation af Atle Nilssen, Wendia

POB G6 Tips&Tricks


Årsregnskab 2018

Præsentation af Kevin Goertzen, Wendia North America

POB Development

Præsentation af Kevin Goertzen, Wendia North America

Cool POB Features

Kevin Goertzen's video of the new interface

New Interface

Scandinavian PUG 2019: New Round-Table Session on Service Monitoring

The Scandinavian PUG board is excited to welcome attendees at the conference next week. The 60 attendees can look forward to a new item in the final agenda – a round-table session on monitoring of services by Ceesoft and Wendia Norway. Under the theme “Improve your View, and Gain Control” the conference will also feature user presentations and round-table discussions by Norian, Statsbygg and Coloplast, as well as Wendia presentations on POB roadmap, coming releases, tips and cool features, and ITIL4.

New Admin Classes Planned (Utah)

Wendia North America has sent out invitations for two training sessions planned for May and June. In May, a 5-day system administration training is planned for the 13th-17th, and on June 3rd-6th, a new course is being offered: the 4-day POB Advanced Administrator Training Course. The itinerary of the latter will cover specific topics each day, and attendees may sign up for all four days, or choose any individual topic(s). To learn more about the classes, please contact Susan Miller.

2019 Customer-Partner Conference in Utah

Wendia North America warmly invites customers and partners to the “POB – The Cure for What Ails You” Customer-Partner Conference. Save-the-date flyers have been sent out to announce the dates of the conference that will take place on October 1st-3rd, 2019, in Utah. The location will be announced shortly – as will more information about the conference.

Admin Training Class in Utah

Wendia North America is pleased to announce an upcoming POB G6 Administrator Training which will be held March 4th – 8th, 2019. The course is structured with the following options: POB Admin Lite and Full POB Admin class both combined together. The first 2.5 days will focus on the higher level admin functions, giving an insight into how to do many of the day-to-day operational administrative tasks in POB without getting in too deep. The last 2.5 days the admin course goes much deeper to teach triggers, events, window manipulation and all things that your POB admin should be aware of.

To register please contact Susan Miller. See more about the courses in the training invite.

Training Sessions in Norway

In Norway, a variety of different training opportunities are set up for the first quarters of 2019. These cover courses in Enterprise Manager (basic and advanced), Internal Reporting, and the Self Service Portal (basic and advanced) as well as half-day, or one-day, theme courses in Knowledge Management, POB Dataloads, KPI Explorers and much more. See more on Wendia’s Norwegian website, where you can find further information about the upcoming courses.

Join us for one or more of these trainings dedicated to your continued success with POB!

PUG 2019: New Requirements lead to Update of Processes (Presentation by ATG)

At the upcoming PUG Conference, ATG (the Swedish Horse Racing Totalisator Board) will be giving a presentation about how new game license requirements resulted in new process challenges. To be compliant with the new regulations, ATG is in the process of making a lot of custom things with POB and at the conference they will be showing how they, using POB’s CMDB, have extended the Change Management module with automatic checksum verification through API integrations using a modular service-based design. Come and be inspired by ATG in this 30-minutes presentation that will be followed up by a deeper presentation at PUG 2020.

PUG 2019: Presentations in Place

At the Scandinavian PUG 2019 Conference attendees will be meeting senior Wendia consultants and chief technical officers who will be sharing their expertise in presentations about the latest development of POB, ITIL4, POB Tips and Cool Features, and more. Users presenting will be Statsbygg on “Webster (SSP) – a Journey Resulting in a Facelift”, Coloplast on “Custom-made Change module based on POB standard components”, and Norian on “Using POB SSP to Improve User Support Process and User Experience”. See more in the preliminary agenda.

Do not miss out on this opportunity to meet with fellow POB users, strengthen your network and learn from others – for more information about the conference, please contact Maja Seilund.

Christmas Seminar and Dinner (Norway)

On November 29th, Wendia Norway will host their traditional Christmas event for customers: a half-day seminar followed by an evening with dinner and entertainment. The event will take place at Skullerudstua in Oslo.

During the afternoon seminar attendees will hear about how POB is used for Enterprise Service Management at both Statens vegvesen and EVRY. Wendia Norway will do a short presentation on the latest POB release and talk about their focus on service monitoring. Finally, May Liss Urang from Statsbygg will talk about the Norwegian POB User Forum, and Morten Skaarud from Lovisenberg hospital will promote next year’s Scandinavian POB User Group conference. See the full program for the Christmas event in the invitation.

If you are interested in participating, or have any questions, please send a mail to Ivar Grong Nesset.