POB Customer-Partner Conference 2018

Kent County

Wendia Conference

Salt Lake County




Wendia, Scott

1.9 General Overview

Wendia, Payton

Web Services

Wendia, Payton

Internal Reports

Wendia, Payton


Wendia, Payton


Wendia, Payton

Crystal Reports



Armed Forces Bank

AFB Presentation

Upcoming Training Sessions in Utah

Wendia North America are happy to announce two upcoming training sessions; an Advanced POB Admin Training that will be held on July 16th-19th, and a PCM Bootcamp that will be held on August 14th-16th. For both sessions special discounts will be offered to those registering and paying by the end of June. For more information about pricing and signing up please contact Susan Miller. The Wendia North America team are also looking into the customer interest and possible dates for a Basic POB Admin Training.

POB User Group Conference in Germany

The 2018 POB User Group Conference for German-speaking POB users is being planned for September 13-14, 2018. The Conference will be held at the Amber Hotel near Stuttgart, and the theme of the Conference will be Data Security. The German Wendia team has sent out save-the-date mails, and  more information on the Conference will follow over the coming weeks.

Great Client Presentations and lots of Networking and Fun

Last week’s Customer-Partner Conference was held at the Sundance Resort, Utah, and the Wendia North American team thanks everyone for making it a great success. The three days were packed with great client presentations and presentations from POB experts – and attendees were particularly interested in how other companies used POB. The POB Olympics were a big hit as well, with lots of smiles and laughs. It was a great experience recognizing people for their unique work with POB. Everyone got to know new people on a personal and professional level, during the meeting and on the team-building activities.

2018 Customer-Partner Conference: The Agenda is now in Place

Wendia North America are excited about the upcoming conference and are sure the attendees will have three fruitful days with lots of customer presentations, POB knowledge sessions, networking, entertainment and team-building activities.

The three-day program features presentations by various customers on their use of POB, including Armed Forces Bank who will be showing how POB is used to handle Onboarding/Off boarding with integration of Core Security. There will be various expert presentations, as well as Wendia presentations on the new version POB 1.9 and breakout sessions on Purchase Management, configuration and customization of the POB interface, advanced triggers and events and lots more…

Please join us for three days of learning, connecting and sharing. Register directly, or send a mail to Susan Miller if you have any questions.

2018 Customer-Partner Conference: Presentations and Keynotes…

Wendia North America are excited about the upcoming conference. The agenda is still being confirmed, but based on feedback from the past conferences as well as current input from many of their customers, Wendia North America have put together an overview of the general subjects of the presentations.

Although this year there will not be specific tracks, there will be two or more sessions happening at the same time for the attendees to pick from. In addition, there will be a few keynote sessions that will be for every attendee.  There will be presentations from customers, Wendia personnel and other invited speakers.

The North American Wendia team look forward to seeing you at the conference. Send a mail to Susan Miller if you have any questions or concerns. Or simply register to participate!

PUG 2018 in Scandinavia

The PUG board thanks all attendees at last week’s Scandinavian POB User Group Conference for taking part and contributing to the success of the conference. Especially thanks to all giving presentations at the conference and to Arne J. W. Kolstø for taking pictures.

The two-day conference offered interesting presentations and roundtable discussions on Integrations, news about POB and inspiration to new ways to use POB – as well as an external presentation about inter-Scandinavian collaboration, taking into account our cultural and linguistic differences. The attendees had plenty of opportunity for networking during the lazer skeet shooting activity and dinner concluding day 1.

PUG 2018 på Gimo Herrgård, Sverige

Deltagere i konferencen 2018


Program og nærmere om plenumindlæg og rundbordssamtaler


Velkommen fra bestyrelsen

PUG 2018 intro

Præsentation af Jan Vinter, Alm. Brand

Integration mellem overvågningssystemer og POB

Præsentation af Kevin Goertzen

A POB Centered Enterprise

Præsentation af Atle Nilssen, Wendia Norge

Monitoring services

Præsentation af Dag Lund, Ceesoft

Ceeview ServiceDesk integration for POB

Præsentation af Dag Lund, Ceesoft

Service og SLA rapporter for gruppen

Eksternt indlæg af Anita Ekvall

Nordisk affärskultur

Eksternt indlæg af Anita Ekvall_in English

Nordisk affärskultur

Årsregnskab 2017

PUG regnskap 2017

Referat fra generalforsamlingen


GDPR i praksis af Atle Nilssen

How to handle GDPR in POB

GDPR i praksis - dokumentasjon/sjekkliste (Atle Nilssen)


Presentation of different window layouts (Kevin Goertzen)

Design POB for your Usability

Utilizing POB outside of the traditional ITSM processes (Kevin Goertzen)

POB to Rule the World


Scandinavian PUG 2018: Integrating POB utilizing POB Web Services

The PUG board look forward to our 20th Anniversary Conference next week and are excited to present the two latest items in the agenda: Kevin Goertzen, Wendia North America, will be giving a presentation “A POB Centered Enterprise”, focussing on how POB can be tightly integrated into your processes and other systems utilizing POB Web Services. The presentation will include several examples from real life.

In the external presentation concluding day one, Anita Ekvall will share with us her insights into inter-Scandinavian collaboration, taking into account our cultural and linguistic differences.

If you have not yet registered for the conference,  check for available seats by signing up or sending a mail to Maja Seilund.

Get up to Speed on Utilizing G6 (POB Admin Class in Utah)

Wendia North America welcome customers to a POB G6 Administrator training scheduled for March 12-16, 2018, at their headquarters in Orem, Utah. In addition to the general POB admin subjects, the admin class will deal with 1.8 features like GUI enhancements, new themes, additional custom windows and enhancements to the POB Web functionality.

Read more about the class in the invitation flyer or contact Susan Miller for more information and/or registration.